Vote Centers
You can vote at any of the Vote Centers in Orange County! Some open early on Saturday, October 26, and then all Vote Centers are open starting Saturday, November 2.
- 10/26-11/1 Vote Center Hours:
8am to 5pm (including Saturday and Sunday) - 11/2-11/4 Vote Center Hours:
8am to 8pm (including Saturday and Sunday) - Election Day, Tuesday November 5 Hours:
7am to 8pm
Vote Centers are your one-stop space to handle everything elections related:
- Vote In Person (You do not need to turn in your mail ballot when voting in person)
- Drop off Your Mail Ballot
- Same-Day Voter Registration (if not yet registered)
- Get help from election workers, and get help in your language
Not living in Orange County? Find your Vote Center at the California Secretary of State website!
- You can submit your completed ballot at any Vote Center in California
- Even if you received your ballot by mail, you can vote in person
- You DO NOT need to bring in your mail in ballot to vote in person
- You can register to vote & cast your ballot at Vote Centers
Vote by Mail
Every voter will be mailed a ballot in the second week of October. (10/7). You can mark your choices in the ballot, sign, and send without a stamp!

Drop it in any of the Ballot Drop boxes placed around the county, or mail it (without a stamp), or after October 26, drop it off at a Vote Center.

If you are marked as an inactive voter, you may not have received the ballot in the mail. Check online whether you are marked as inactive – if you are, use the same form to request a ballot be mailed to you.
Your mail ballot is valid as long as it’s postmarked by November 5. Even if you mail back your ballot on November 5, and it arrives a week or two late, it still counts as a valid vote!
Dropbox locations will become available in October
How to Mark Your ballot
- Use black or blue pen
- Completely fill the circle
- There are “write-in” sections where you can write names of candidates who did not file on time.
- To change your choice after filling the circle, cross the circle with an X, and then fill the one you want to choose. There is no need to sign or initial your name next to the X.
My dog ate my ballot!
You can still vote! Either use the county registrar form to request a new ballot to be mailed to you, or vote in person at any Vote Center!

Can someone else drop off my ballot for me?
Anyone can drop off your ballot envelope. They just can’t be someone who is paid for delivering ballots. When they deliver your ballot to a Vote Center, you need to fill out and sign some additional sections at the top of the return envelope with the information of the person who is dropping off the ballot.
Voter Registration
When Voting for the first time, you have to register to vote. You have two options to register:
You can register online at the California Secretary of State website! You must register by October 21, midnight.
You can also fill out the paper registration form. You can get the paper form in government offices – libraries, US Post Offices, DMV, City Halls or local government offices. It needs to be mailed by October 21.
Have you moved? You have to do a new registration with your new address.
Same Day Registration
Even if you haven’t registered, you can still go to any Vote Center in your county, register there and vote – all on the same day. This option is known as “Same Day Registration” or “Conditional Voter Registration”. You will need to bring a government photo ID (usually your California Driver’s License or Caliornia ID) and write your social security number. Vote Centers are open from Saturday, November 2 until Tuesday, November 5. (Some Vote Centers open during more days.)
If you have a disability
The Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail ballot provides voters with disabilities and overseas voters the option to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot to be delivered electronically. This option is also available to all voters. The electronic ballot can be downloaded to the voter’s computer, marked using the voter’s own assistive technology and then printed.
Please note: information in this website is specific to the state of California. If someone referred you to this website and you live elsewhere, please visit the website of the Secretary of State in your state!
Deadlines listed are specific to the November 2024 General Election cycle. Future election cycles (2026 and so forth) will have different deadlines because the Election Day, which is the second Tuesday of November, falls on a different day of the month each year.